Spiritual Direction
Personal referrals only at this time.

Spiritual Direction, also known as “Spiritual Companionship”, is monthly conversational space in which a seasoned spiritual guide companions a fellow traveler in order to assist with clarity regarding the manifestation of the presence of the Divine Mystery we call God. Through noticing the movements of God in this relationship, practical invitations for action emerge, which range from a deepening of personal trust, to a galvanization to claim one’s life vocation. The substance of the Spiritual Direction relationship centers around personal vignettes, which are then carefully held and compassionately sifted to highlight not only God’s abiding care, but also a discovery of the heart’s response to this knowledge.
Typically, the Spiritual Direction connection is once per month, giving time throughout the month for the seeker to ponder and cultivate the gems which emerge in a session, as well as to experiment with, and apply various spiritual practices. The conversation can take place in person, over SKPYE or Zoom.
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Spiritual Directors International